Forest Modelling Lab.

Mauro Morichetti

Mauro Morichetti has a master’s degree in environmental engineering at the Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM), where he developed the basics of CTMs (Chemical Transport Models) at a regional and urban scale; afterwards, he obtained a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Industrial Engineering (DISM – UNIVPM). He has more than six years of practical experience with the regional WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry-NCAR) model, working in particular with biogenic volatile organic compounds and natural aerosols. Since 2019 he has had a post-Doc grant at the National Research Council (Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of Lecce) in the new ENI-CNR joint research center "Aldo Pontremoli"; the center's main objective is the assessment of the impact of atmospheric emissions on the cryosphere and climate change in the Arctic. From January 2024 he has been working at the Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems of the Mediterranean (ISAFOM-CNR) as modeler within the research project: “OPTimizing FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, Climate Resilient Future in Europe”.