Forest Modelling Lab.

The 3D-CMCC-FEM model simulates several management practices on high stands, while coppice management is still under development.
The 3D-CMCC-FEM implemented a simple BAU management routine that basically simulates an intensive even-aged approach forest management following Dunker et al. (2012).

These management guidelines are characterized by:
1. Thinning intensity (i.e. percentage of stand basal area to remove based on total stand basal area),
2. Thinning interval (i.e. years between operations), and
3. Rotation age (i.e. stand age at which the final harvest occurs)
Both thinning and harvesting occur at the end of the year and to close both daily, monthly and annual carbon budget, such pools are accounted for before their removal.

Ensemble mean of annual patterns with transient [CO2] and management for simulated Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) forced by different scenarios for the period 1997-2099 at three different forest sites. Colored lines indicate RCPs results averaged across 5 ESMs. For each RCP, shaded colored areas show the uncertainty bounds among all ESMs used (maximum and minimum values across all simulations). Black line is the climate control reference. Box plots show in percentage changes from the reference climate baseline across near (NF; 2020-2050) and far future (FF; 2070-2099) normalized by the climate control. Box plot areas show averaged maximum, minimum and median values across ESMs. OT = observed thinning, PT = prescribed thinning, PH = prescribed harvesting (figure from Supporting Information in Collalti et al. 2018).